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Colombia - Finca El Embrujo - Natural Anaerobic

Colombia - Finca El Embrujo - Natural Anaerobic


Regular price £13.00 GBP
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Origin: Colombia    
Region: Finca El Embrujo
Variety: Pink Bourbon 
Process: Natural Anaerobic   
Notes: Plum, Caramel, Lemon Sherbet

The name “embrujo” comes from the Spanish word for “spell”. Ignacio believes that truly excellent specialty coffee will evoke the “magic of coffee” for drinkers

At La Palmera, Ignacio has a large nursery that’s supplying not only high quality seedlings of varieties like Geisha and Pink Bourbon, but is also growing native shade trees that will improve soil fertility and tree health. Ignacio’ is keen on experimentation and he trying high tree density for Colombia variety trees, planting them much closer to together – about 7,500 trees per hectares, compared to 2,000 trees per hectare for Geisha – and trialing 4 different Geisha varieties to see what grows the best at Finca La Palmera. Ignacio’s focus is quality, so it’s only natural that he’s steadily replacing existing Castillo with more unique and high scoring varieties.  

Igancio saves the pulp from processing his washed process coffees and applies it to coffee trees as fertilizer. His goal is to reduce chemical fertilizer use by 20-25%. One of the issues they face is generating enough organic matter to create nutrient-rich compost. While they estimate they will need about 1,500 tons of organic waste, the farm only generates about 650 tons. Ignacio is confident that as the program develops, he’ll be able to source the remaining 500 tons to create organic composts that will nourish his soil.  

The on-farm microbiology lab was originally built to test different fermentation and processing methods but Ignacio has focused it on soil application. With the lab’s research, they are inoculating compost with microorganisms that will speed up the composting process, balance carbon and nitrogen and generally increase the fertility of the compost. One ton of compost captures 5 tons of carbon emissions.  

Water from processing is used to irrigate his corn crops. The processing operation is fuelled entirely by renewable energy from solar panels. Another change Ignacio is making to ensure the highest quality and most sustainable processing is transitioning to lower water-use processing as much as possible. 

Pink Bourbon was previously thought to be a hybrid of Yellow and Red Bourbon varieties. The variety was first identified growing in and around Huila, Colombia. Recent research has found that Pink Bourbon is in fact not Bourbon at all. Pink Bourbon mostly likely comes from an Ethiopian landrace variety.

Pink Bourbon has a stunningly high cup potential that wows coffee professionals and consumers alike. Its impressively high cup quality makes even more sense now that we understand Pink Bourbon is not simply a hybrid of two Bourbon varieties but traces to Ethiopian landraces. Its siblings include the highly-prized Geisha, which has consistently produced incredibly high cup scores. Pink Bourbon will continue to be a highly distinguished and valued variety.

Some farmers also report that Pink Bourbon has more disease resistance than the Bourbons it grows alongside. Based on these new discoveries, this may be due to the genetic variety it has coming from Ethiopian landraces.  

Cup Score

What is a coffee cup score?

The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) Cupping Protocol is used to evaluate coffee quality based on sensory analysis. The SCA cupping score is a scale of 0-100 points and is based on a set of defined criteria. The score is based on the evaluation of several aspects of coffee, including aroma, flavour, aftertaste, acidity, body, and balance.

A coffee that scores 80 points or above is considered specialty grade coffee. This indicates that the coffee has exceptional quality, with well-defined flavour characteristics, good balance, and high complexity. A coffee scoring between 70-79 points is considered to be in the "good" range, indicating that the coffee is still of a high quality, but may have some minor defects or lacks some complexity.

A coffee scoring below 70 points is considered to be of poor quality and is generally not used for specialty coffee purposes. The SCA cupping score is widely recognised in the coffee industry as a standard for evaluating coffee quality and is used by coffee professionals, buyers, and roasters around the world.

Relevance of lattitude?

Latitude is highly relevant to coffee because it plays a significant role in determining the ideal growing conditions for coffee plants. Coffee is a tropical plant that grows best in regions located between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, which are approximately 23.5 degrees north and south of the equator.

Within this tropical band, there are specific latitudes and altitudes that are most suitable for coffee cultivation. Generally, coffee is grown at higher altitudes in cooler climates near the equator, while lower altitudes in warmer climates closer to the tropics are more suitable for producing robusta coffee.

The temperature, rainfall, and sunlight levels in these regions all contribute to the unique characteristics of the coffee beans grown there. For example, high-altitude coffee tends to have a more complex flavor profile with bright acidity and floral or fruity notes, while low-altitude coffee has a fuller body and lower acidity.

Overall, latitude is a crucial factor in determining the ideal growing conditions for coffee and contributes significantly to the flavor and quality of the final product.

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